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Elon Musk Dream

Content Warning: Suicide, Abuse

I was watching a video about how Elon Musk was abused earlier in his life, in what appears to be the film industry. The video showed one of Elon Musk's attempted suicides. It was in a giant multistory white house with carpets, that looks like it was from a older american movie. He was completely covered in a big white rag and had stabbed himself in the heart. Instead of blood gushing everywhere, it pooled around him in a oval. After a few minutes, he started screaming. Some other people in the house, who were also dressed like they were from a old american movie, heard it and came, but they mocked Elon instead of helping him. He screamed louder at the people. They splashed lots of water or bleach on him, to mock him. The blood disappeared due to the liquid.

I was driving a electric car on a hazardous, 2-lane street. It was sunny and the terrain was orange rocks, like a Minecraft Meza. There was another road of the same to my right. Other people around me were also driving, but dangerously. Elon Musk appeared, driving a Tesla, and smashed two of the people who were going to pass me into the rocks. I implied they would have to buy another car from Tesla.

I found myself at the bottom of a very tall seaside cave-cove. There was pipes leading from some electrical boxes to out of the cave. I found I could walk on air by having boxes of electricity be summoned at my feet, and for some reason it felt like boxes I summoned would go into a balance I could use. I walked up the air this way, to the same opening the electrical wires took.

I was in a electrical store with clothing and cars. You could buy things with electric currency, like what I collected earlier. For some reason all the clothing was black and puffy. After looking around, I decided I would get a coat, pants, and a car. I got the coat and pants, which were instantaneously applied to me, but the pants were so short that the coat blocked them from view. Somehow, from somewhere, someone remarked I was a Christian. I was not a Christian, and I used the magical power of dreams to make the pants longer.